Hello new apartment. I'm officially a New Yorker - wooooo. Move-in day was LONG. Left Maryland around 6am, got lost in Brooklyn because the GPS led us astray and then spent a few hours lugging my lifelong treasures, clothes and belongings up 23 floors.
Don't mind the cell phone quality shot of my dad's sweet ride. Took him about 6 hours to get to NYC. Took us 4. |
A major positive aspect about moving into a city full of cousins = getting them to come help you unpack :)
So.Very.Cluttered. The best thing my roommates and I did was agree to each move in on different days. AKA, this is all just MY stuff.
HAHAHA <3 how mom deflates the airmattress...
The sunset we see daily. Living on the Westside has its pleasures.
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